1 min readApr 9, 2021


Remember the old days, 2 decades back -
> Choices — limited, time — unlimited, loyalty — high, attention — high.

Now, Speed up to current days –
> Choices — unlimited, time — limited, loyalty — low, attention — low.

The only deterministic factor that remains in above is time and whether it is the best of time or the worst of time
It is definitely the ONLY TIME we got.

Mother nature penchant is with time… What is your choice ?

The Choice by Edith Eger upholds the journey of a Holocaust victim, as she corroborates the relationship of time and mind.
True story of an individual as she takes every day one at a time and survives the massacre and the after-shock.

Quote from The Choice-

“We don’t know where we’re going,
we don’t know what’s going to happen,
but no one can take away from you what you put in your own mind.”

Quite possibly, the hiatus caused by the pandemic, will affect the social thinking to choose what’s right for the mind and what’s in for the time.

~~ Vencedor




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